The reference for locomotives and railcars
US Railroad Administration 2-8-8-2 (Heavy Mallet)
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USA | 1918
106 produced
The Virginian No. 900 was one of five machines that this railway did not want to take over and which were then sold to the Norfolk and Western
The Virginian No. 900 was one of five machines that this railway did not want to take over and which were then sold to the Norfolk and Western

The heaviest of the US Railroad Administration standard designs was a 2-8-8-2 Mallet. It was strongly based on the Norfolk & Western class Y-2, which had found a good solution to the biggest problem of such large locomotives. While the amount of steam produced was normally no longer sufficient at speeds above 20 mph, the Norfolk & Western used smaller cylinders and a high boiler pressure of 240 psi for the first time.

A total of 106 examples were produced from the original USRA design, of which the Norfolk & Western got the most with 45 pieces and used them as class Y-3. Five of them were actually intended for the Virginian and were not accepted. Later, the Virginian took 20 more locomotives, and more went to the Baltimore & Ohio and the Clinchfield. A total of 116 copies were later made. Customers now also included the D&RGW, the Northern Pacific and the Interstate Railroad.

HerstellerALCO, Baldwin
Achsfolge2-8-8-2 (Mikado Mallet) 
Spurweite4 ft 8 1/2 in (Normalspur)
Maße und Gewichte
Radstand57 ft 4 in
Fester Radstand15 ft 6 in
Gesamtradstand93 ft 3 in
Dienstmasse531,000 lbs
Reibungsmasse478,000 lbs
Gesamtmasse740,100 lbs
Wasservorrat12,000 us gal
Brennstoff32,000 lbs (Kohle)
Rostfläche96 sq ft
Strahlungsheizfläche435 sq ft
Rohrheizfläche5,687 sq ft
Verdampfungsheizfläche6,122 sq ft
Überhitzerfläche1,475.5 sq ft
Gesamtheizfläche7,597.5 sq ft
Ø Treibräder57 in
Kesseldruck240 psi
Zylindervier, HD: 25 x 32 in
und ND: 39 x 32 in
Geschätzte Leistung4,000 hp (2,983 kW)
Opt. Geschwindigkeit25 mph
Anfahrzugkraft101,465 lbf
mit Anfahrschaltung121,758 lbf
Berechnete Werte
last changed: 07/2022
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