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Santa Fe class 1480
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United States | 1910
23 produced
No. 1491
No. 1491
collection Taylor Rush

The Santa Fe class 1480 consisted of 23 Atlantics, which they built in 1910 at their own factory in Albuquerque. They initially had a three-dome boiler, a Jacobs-Shupert firebox and a four-cylinder compound engine. The steam was taken from the rear dome, went past the sand dome into the front dome and from there via an external pipe into the reheater in the smokebox. Also noticeable was the long wheelbase between the second driving axle and the trailing axle

Their nickname among the crews was “Bull Moosers” and the area of operation was lighter express trains. Following the general trend of the time, 14 of the 23 were rebuilt from 1920 into superheated locomotives with two cylinders of the same size. The wheelbase between the second driving axle and the trailing axle was also shortened by more than three feet. The first was retired in 1926, the last in 1953.

Variantas builtsimpled/Superheated
Axle config4-4-2 (Atlantic) 
Gauge4 ft 8 1/2 in (Standard gauge)
Dimensions and Weights
Wheelbase32 ft 8 in28 ft 11 in
Rigid wheelbase6 ft 10 in
Total wheelbase64 ft 1 in60 ft 10 in
Service weight231,675 lbs229,500 lbs
Adhesive weight112,125 lbs118,100 lbs
Total weight395,000 lbs408,725 lbs
Axle load57,675 lbs59,100 lbs
Water capacity9,000 us gal
Fuel capacity3,300 lbs (oil)
Grate area48 sq ft
Firebox area190 sq ft223 sq ft
Tube heating area2,318 sq ft2,168 sq ft
Evaporative heating area2,508 sq ft2,391 sq ft
Superheater area456 sq ft
Total heating area2,508 sq ft2,847 sq ft
Variantas builtsimpled/Superheated
Power Plant
Driver diameter73 in
Boiler pressure220 psi200 psi
Expansion typecompoundsimple
Cylindersfour, HP: 15 x 26 in
and LP: 25 x 26 in
two, 22 x 26 in
Power sourcesteam
Estimated power1,600 hp (1,193 kW)2,000 hp (1,491 kW)
Starting effort22,038 lbf29,305 lbf
with start valve26,446 lbf
Calculated Values
Optimal speed46 mph44 mph
steam locomotive
last changed: 03/2024
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