Between 1862 and 1868, Craven had a total of 29 2-4-0 express locomotives built for the LB&SCR. As was usual at the time, they were only fundamentally similar, but had many differences in detail. Twelve were built in Brighton and the rest by Beyer, Peacock and by Dübs. One thing that almost all of them had in common was a driver diameter of six feet, only some had a smaller diameter of five and a half feet.
They all had inside cylinders and double frames. The load on the two driving axles was very different. On number 150 from 1862, the first driving axle carried 12 tons 7 cwt and the second only 6 tons 7 cwt. Number 28, delivered in 1868, was the LB&SCR's first coupled express locomotive with an enclosed cab. Their withdrawals took place between 1884 and 1891.