The reference for locomotives and railcars
London & North Eastern class A8
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Großbritannien | 1931
45 produced
British Railways No. 69873 in June 1954 at Middlesbrough depot
British Railways No. 69873 in June 1954 at Middlesbrough depot
Ben Brooksbank / Ex-North Eastern Raven Class A8 4-6-2T at Middlesbrough Locomotive Depot

The class A8 of the LNER was created when Gresley rebuilt all 45 locomotives of the North Eastern class D, the later LNER class H1 that had been designed by Vincent Raven. To make this 4-4-4T better suited for heavy suburban traffic and long distance coastal trains, he swapped the two-axle trailing bogie against a single axle and added another driving axle, making it a 4-6-2T.

In this process, also the boiler was revised. It was now operated with 175 instead of 160 psi and had a Robinson superheater instead of the Schmidt type. After all had been rebuilt between 1931 and 1936, they also replaced the 0-4-4T class G5. The introduction of the DMUs in the 1950s was the decline of the A8. They were withdrawn between 1957 and 1960. So far there is only a short text for this vehicle. In the future it will be described in more detail.

Achsfolge4-6-2T (Pacific) 
Spurweite4 ft 8 1/2 in (Normalspur)
Maße und Gewichte
Länge42 ft 6 in
Radstand33 ft 3 in
Dienstmasse194,432 lbs
Reibungsmasse119,056 lbs
Achslast39,872 lbs
Wasservorrat2,402 us gal
Brennstoff8,960 lbs (Kohle)
Rostfläche23 sq ft
Strahlungsheizfläche124 sq ft
Rohrheizfläche961 sq ft
Verdampfungsheizfläche1,085 sq ft
Überhitzerfläche191 sq ft
Gesamtheizfläche1,276 sq ft
Ø Treibräder69 in
Kesseldruck175 psi
Zylinderdrei, 16 1/2 x 26 in
Geschätzte Leistung975 hp (727 kW)
Opt. Geschwindigkeit27 mph
Anfahrzugkraft22,890 lbf
Berechnete Werte
Sir Vincent Litchfield Raven
Herbert Nigel Gresley
last changed: 07/2024
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