The reference for locomotives and railcars
Staatsspoorwegen class E10
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Indonesia | 1921
39 produced
Image of locomotive
Locomotive Magazine, December 1922

The Padang coal railway on Sumatra was a rack line with a gradient of up to eight percent and curves with a radius of 150 meters. It was soon found out that the 0-8-2T locomotives of the D18 class were not powerful enough to haul 200-tonne trains. The solution was the 0-10-0T locomotive of the class E10.0 designed by the Esslingen Machine Works in 1916. Production only started in 1921 and until 1928, a total of 22 had been built by Esslingen and the SLM. Between 1964 and 1967, Esslingen and Nippon Sharyo built 17 more, which were designated E10.5.

They were of the Winterthur system, what meant that they had four equally sized cylinders working in compound. But the rack wheels were driven with a gear ratio of 1 to 2.033, so the low pressure cylinders moved at roughly twice the speed of the high pressure cylinders, eliminating the need for much larger cylinders. To allow operation on the sharp curves, the first and last driving axles had some side play.

ManufacturerEsslingen, SLM
Axle config0-10-0RT (Ten-coupled) 
Gauge3 ft 6 in (Cape gauge)
Dimensions and Weights
Wheelbase16 ft 4 7/8 in
Rigid wheelbase9 ft 3 13/16 in
Empty weight92,418 lbs
Service weight114,596 lbs
Adhesive weight114,596 lbs
Axle load24,251 lbs
Water capacity1,321 us gal
Fuel capacity2,646 lbs (coal)
Grate area19.9 sq ft
Firebox area76 sq ft
Tube heating area770.3 sq ft
Evaporative heating area846.3 sq ft
Superheater area331.1 sq ft
Total heating area1,177.4 sq ft
Power Plant
Driver diameter39.37 in
Boiler pressure203 psi
Expansion typecompound
Cylindersfour, HP: 17 11/16 x 20 1/2 in
and LP: 17 11/16 x 20 1/2 in
Power sourcesteam
Estimated power570 hp (425 kW)
Starting effort29,162 lbf
Calculated Values
Optimal speed13 mph
steam locomotive
tank locomotive
rack railway
last changed: 07/2024
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