The reference for locomotives and railcars
Austrian Southern Railway and Imperial-Royal State Railways class 629
Czechoslovak State Railways class 354.1, Polish State Railways OKm11, German Reichsbahn class 772-3 and Austrian Federal Railways class 77
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Österreich-Ungarn | 1913
329 produced
629.01 in May 2007 at the Köflacher station in Graz
629.01 in May 2007 at the Köflacher station in Graz

Based on the class 229 2-6-2T tank locomotive of the Südbahn and kkStB, Ernst Prossy developed the class 629 for the Südbahn. In order to be able to increase power while maintaining the axle and meter loads, a leading bogie was used. With an unchanged driving wheel diameter of 1,614 mm (63.5 inches), they were suitable for passenger and light express trains. Approval was initially granted for 85 km/h and later increased to 90 km/h, and even 110 km/h was achieved on test runs.

After the Südbahn had received 15, Gölsdorf also adopted the design with small changes for the kkStB and had 25 more built. Larger numbers were only created after the First World War, when the BBÖ, the ČSD and the PKP had more machines built. The ČSD in particular ultimately made it to a total of 234 with its class 354.1 locomotives built by Škoda. These were characterized by two steam domes with a connecting pipe. So far there is only a short text for this vehicle. In the future it will be described in more detail.

VarianteAusführung 1913Ausführung 1927
HerstellerStEG, Wiener Neustadt, Krauss Linz, Škoda
Achsfolge4-6-2T (Pacific) 
Spurweite4 ft 8 1/2 in (Normalspur)
Maße und Gewichte
Länge43 ft 9 3/8 in
Radstand31 ft 5 9/16 in
Fester Radstand11 ft 9 3/4 in
Dienstmasse176,811 lbs184,747 lbs
Reibungsmasse95,240 lbs99,208 lbs
Achslast31,747 lbs33,069 lbs
Wasservorrat3,170 us gal
Brennstoff6,614 lbs (Kohle)
Rostfläche29.1 sq ft
Strahlungsheizfläche131.3 sq ft
Rohrheizfläche1,395.5 sq ft
Verdampfungsheizfläche1,526.9 sq ft
Überhitzerfläche363.3 sq ft
Gesamtheizfläche1,890.1 sq ft
VarianteAusführung 1913Ausführung 1927
Ø Treibräder63.5 in
Kesseldruck188 psi
Zylinderzwei, 18 11/16 x 28 3/8 in
Ind. Leistung1,113 hp (830 kW)
Opt. Geschwindigkeit28 mph
Max. Geschwindigkeit56 mph
Anfahrzugkraft24,997 lbf
Berechnete Werte
last changed: 02/2024
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