The reference for locomotives and railcars
Oahu Sugar Co. 0-6-2ST
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United States | 1897
unknown number
No. 1 “Waipahu”, built 1897 by Baldwin
No. 1 “Waipahu”, built 1897 by Baldwin
Victor Norton Jr.

The Oahu Sugar Company operated a network of three-foot lines on the Hawaiian island of the same name that reached its maximum extent in 1939 with 60 miles or 97 km. It contained grades of up to three percent and very tight curves. Their main motive power consisted of a number of 0-6-2 saddle tank locomotives built by Baldwin from 1897.

They were originally fired by wood or even by sugar canes, since this was a fuel that could be obtained free of charge from the plantations. Starting in 1908, they were converted for oil firing. Although the company lasted much longer, the rail network was closed in 1950. Today three are surviving, which are No. 1 “Waipahu”, No. 5 “Waikakalua” and No. 7 “Puuloa”. So far there is only a short text for this vehicle. In the future it will be described in more detail.

Variantas builtoil-fired
Axle config0-6-2ST (Webb) 0-6-2ST (Webb) 
Gauge3 ft (Three feet)
Dimensions and Weights
Wheelbase13 ft 3 in
Rigid wheelbase7 ft
Service weight51,000 lbs
Adhesive weight44,000 lbs45,000 lbs
Axle load14,700 lbs15,000 lbs
Water capacity550 us gal650 us gal
Fuel capacitywood250 lbs (oil)
Grate area8.8 sq ft
Firebox area39.5 sq ft
Tube heating area410.5 sq ft
Evaporative heating area450 sq ft
Total heating area450 sq ft
Variantas builtoil-fired
Power Plant
Driver diameter33 in
Boiler pressure160 psi
Expansion typesimple
Cylinderstwo, 12 x 16 in
Power sourcesteam
Estimated power180 hp (134 kW)200 hp (149 kW)
Optimal speed12 mph13 mph
Starting effort9,495 lbf
Calculated Values
steam locomotive
tank locomotive
last changed: 12/2024
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