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Uganda Railway classes S and MS
Kenya-Uganda Railway classes S and MS and East African class 10
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Uganda | 1914
8 produced
class MS as EAR No. 1001
class MS as EAR No. 1001
flickr/Historical Railway Images

In 1914, Nasmyth, Wilson & Co. delivered eight tank locomotives for shunting to the Uganda Railway which had been designed by Rendel, Palmer and Tritton. Three of these where the 2-6-2T class S, while the other five were the 2-6-4T class MS. The locomotives with a trailing bogie were also suited for short line trips with their larger water and coal supplies. A special feature was a lock-up valve that could be opened to allow the water to distribute in a way that the axle load didn't exceed nine tons.

Around 1920, they were converted to oil-firing. Later in their career with the Kenya-Uganda Railway and the East African Railways, they got an additional water tender and were used on secondary lines. Today 1003 is on static display at Jamhuri Park, Nairobi.

HerstellerNasmyth, Wilson & Co.
Achsfolge2-6-2T (Prairie) 2-6-4T (Adriatic) 
Spurweite3 ft 3 3/8 in (Meterspur)
Maße und Gewichte
Länge34 ft 5 3/4 in38 ft 8 1/2 in
Radstand24 ft28 ft 8 1/2 in
Fester Radstand10 ft
Dienstmasse100,520 lbs117,264 lbs
Wasservorrat961 us gal1,441 us gal
Brennstoff4,000 lbs (Kohle)13,500 lbs (Kohle)
Rostfläche12.8 sq ft
Strahlungsheizfläche132 sq ft130 sq ft
Rohrheizfläche1,026 sq ft1,024 sq ft
Verdampfungsheizfläche1,158 sq ft1,154 sq ft
Gesamtheizfläche1,158 sq ft1,154 sq ft
Ø Treibräder43 in
Kesseldruck160 psi
Zylinderzwei, 15 x 22 in
Geschätzte Leistung500 hp (373 kW)
Opt. Geschwindigkeit20 mph
Anfahrzugkraft15,656 lbf
Berechnete Werte
last changed: 10/2024
class S
class S
flickr/Historical Railway Images
Schematic drawing with dimensions
Schematic drawing with dimensions
Locomotive Magazine, July 1914
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