The reference for locomotives and railcars
Great Northern (UK) class N1
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Great Britain | 1906
56 produced
No. 190 as built
No. 190 as built
Locomotive Magazine, May 1907

After the L1, Ivatt developed another tank locomotive for the GNR for use on the city lines of London. In order to be better suited for higher speeds, there were only three coupled axles with 5 ft 8 in wheels. As with the L1, the first example of the N1 was too heavy for the Metropolitan Lines. In the following examples, the axle load on the coupled axles was reduced by placing more weight on the trailing axle. This was done by moving them further back and shortening the front water tanks and accommodating more water behind the cab. A total of 56 units were produced by 1912, all but six of which were again equipped with a condensation device. The latter six were used in the West Riding of Yorkshire.

Initially, most N1s remained in service in London. During World War I, two were sold to the War Office, one of which was used to build an armored train. In the years that followed, superheaters of the Schmidt type were installed in eleven units. From 1920 Gresleys N2s replaced the N1s in passenger train service. The N1s continued to operate in north London, but mostly to haul empty passenger coaches and freight trains. After the locomotives had come to the LNER, the remaining ones were fitted with Robinson type superheaters and the eleven that had already been converted were also refitted. Gradually more locomotives came to Yorkshire where the condensing facilities were removed. Most ended up with British Railways, the last being retired in 1959.

Variantas builtsuperheated
Axle config0-6-2T (Webb) 
Gauge4 ft 8 1/2 in (Standard gauge)
Dimensions and Weights
Length36 ft 7 3/8 in
Wheelbase23 ft 9 in
Rigid wheelbase16 ft 3 in
Service weight147,504 lbs
Adhesive weight115,024 lbs
Axle load40,320 lbs
Water capacity1,922 us gal
Fuel capacity8,960 lbs (coal)
Grate area20.8 sq ft19 sq ft
Firebox area119.9 sq ft118 sq ft
Tube heating area1,130.1 sq ft880 sq ft
Evaporative heating area1,250 sq ft998 sq ft
Superheater area207 sq ft
Total heating area1,250 sq ft1,205 sq ft
Variantas builtsuperheated
Power Plant
Driver diameter68 in
Boiler pressure170 psi
Expansion typesimple
Cylinderstwo, 18 x 26 in
Power sourcesteam
Estimated power800 hp (597 kW)875 hp (652 kW)
Optimal speed28 mph31 mph
Starting effort17,901 lbf
Calculated Values
steam locomotive
tank locomotive
Henry Alfred Ivatt
last changed: 02/2022
No. 1560 after the weight distribution adjustments
No. 1560 after the weight distribution adjustments
Locomotive Magazine, March 1908
Schematical drawing
Schematical drawing
Locomotive Magazine, May 1907
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