The reference for locomotives and railcars
Steam Locomotives of the Texas & Pacific (T&P)
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Texas & Pacific class E-1
United States | 1906
2 produced
Image of locomotive
Railway and Locomotive Engineering, August 1906

In 1906, the Texas & Pacific manufactured two examples of the Class E-1 in their own works in Marshall, Texas, which would remain their only Atlantic locomotives. The boiler was relatively small compared to the cylinder volume, but it operated at a relatively high pressure for the time of 220 psi. A special feature of the chassis was that the compensating levers also included the trailing axle in addition to the driving axles, which is why this was also loaded with a high load of 58,000 pounds. This resulted in a tail-heaviness that led to unsatisfactory running characteristics. In addition, the tractive effort was no longer quite sufficient at this time for modern steel passenger cars.

For these reasons, the two locomotives underwent a complete rebuild as early as 1917. To increase traction, the drivers were reduced from 79 to 75 inches. Boiler pressure was reduced to 185 psi, but this was offset by increasing the cylinder diameter from 20 to 22 inches. The cylinders were now supplied by piston valves instead of slide valves. The boiler now contained a relatively large superheater and was oil-fired. The two locomotives survived in this form for a little over ten years until they were retired in December 1928 and January 1929.

Variantas builtrebuilt E-1s
ManufacturerTexas & Pacific
Axle config4-4-2 (Atlantic) 
Gauge4 ft 8 1/2 in (Standard gauge)
Dimensions and Weights
Wheelbase27 ft 7 in
Rigid wheelbase7 ft
Total wheelbase56 ft 10 1/2 in
Service weight204,000 lbs214,000 lbs
Adhesive weight116,000 lbs124,000 lbs
Total weight336,000 lbs329,000 lbs
Axle load58,000 lbs62,000 lbs
Water capacity6,500 us gal
Fuel capacity20,000 lbs (coal)3,000 us gal (oil)
Grate area45.3 sq ft45 sq ft
Firebox area160 sq ft180 sq ft
Tube heating area2,731 sq ft2,290 sq ft
Evaporative heating area2,891 sq ft2,470 sq ft
Superheater area525 sq ft
Total heating area2,891 sq ft2,995 sq ft
Variantas builtrebuilt E-1s
Power Plant
Driver diameter79 in75 in
Boiler pressure220 psi185 psi
Expansion typesimple
Cylinderstwo, 20 x 28 intwo, 22 x 28 in
Power sourcesteam
Estimated power1,600 hp (1,193 kW)1,700 hp (1,268 kW)
Starting effort26,511 lbf28,414 lbf
Calculated Values
Optimal speed38 mph
steam locomotive
last changed: 09/2022
Texas & Pacific class I-1
United States | 1925
70 produced
Image of locomotive
collection Richard Driver

The first locomotives that were built from the start with the 2-10-4 wheel arrangement were the ten members of the class I-1 of the Texas and Pacific from 1925. The goal in the development was to create a ten-coupled freight locomotive with a larger firebox to provide greater power at higher speeds. Since the Santa Fe had just rebuilt the first locomotive with this wheel arrangement from a different one, this wheel arrangement was now called “Texas”.

They had oil burning and a grate with an area of 100 square feet or 9.29 m². The area of the firebox was increased with a combustion chamber and two thermic syphons. There was also a booster in the trailing bogie and an Elesco feed water heater.

The ten I-1s had a driver diameter of 63.5 inches (1,613 mm) and a boiler pressure of 250 psi (17.25 bars). Between 1927 and 1929, four batches of 15 each were built, designated I-1a to I-1d. They now had a driver diameter of only 63 inches and a boiler pressure of 255 psi. They were also 4,000 pounds heavier, or another 5,000 pounds on the I-1d.

Although their service life was already coming to an end in 1948, three were equipped with Timken roller bearings on all axles and designated Class I-2. By the early 1950s all but the 610 and 638 were scrapped. While the 638 was also scrapped two years later, the 610 was preserved. It pulled the American Freedom Train in the 1970s and has not been operational since 1982. Today she can be found in Palestine, Texas

VariantI-1I-1a to d
Axle config2-10-4 (Texas) 
Gauge4 ft 8 1/2 in (Standard gauge)
Dimensions and Weights
Wheelbase46 ft 8 1/2 in
Rigid wheelbase22 ft
Total wheelbase86 ft 9 in
Service weight448,000 lbs452,000 lbs
Adhesive weight300,000 lbs303,000 lbs
Total weight725,166 lbs729,166 lbs
Axle load60,000 lbs60,600 lbs
Water capacity14,000 us gal
Fuel capacity5,000 us gal (oil)
Grate area100 sq ft
Firebox area473 sq ft
Tube heating area4,640 sq ft
Evaporative heating area5,113 sq ft
Superheater area2,100 sq ft
Total heating area7,213 sq ft
VariantI-1I-1a to d
Power Plant
Driver diameter63.5 in63 in
Boiler pressure250 psi255 psi
Expansion typesimple
Cylinderstwo, 29 x 32 in
Power sourcesteam
Estimated power4,450 hp (3,318 kW)4,500 hp (3,356 kW)
Starting effort90,060 lbf92,590 lbf
Booster13,300 lbf
Calculated Values
Optimal speed31 mph
steam locomotive
last changed: 01/2024
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