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Islamic Republic of Iran Railways class 41.11
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Iran | 1938
49 produced
Works photo of the Esslingen machine works
Works photo of the Esslingen machine works
flickr/Historical Railway Images

Shortly before the opening of the Trans-Iranian Railway in 1938, Krupp was tasked to design a 2-8-0 and a 2-10-0 locomotive. They had to be fired with oil, with the option to fire coal if necessary. Since the railway was still a new thing in the region, they were designed to be maintained in simple workshops and operated by inexperienced crews. The major part was made up of 49 2-8-0 locomotives.

24 were built by Krupp, 16 by Henschel and 9 by Esslingen. Designated class 41 due to four driving axles and one leading axle, they got the numbers 41.11 to 41.60. With the Anglo-Soviet Invasion of Iran in 1941, the procurement of German locomotives ended. The German locomotives were repaired, but at the same time British steam locomotives were introduced. It only took two more years until diesel traction was introduced with ALCO RSD-1 locomotives.

HerstellerKrupp, Henschel, Esslingen
Achsfolge2-8-0 (Consolidation) 
Spurweite4 ft 8 1/2 in (Normalspur)
Maße und Gewichte
Gesamtradstand51 ft 3 9/16 in
Leermasse163,142 lbs
Dienstmasse179,236 lbs
Reibungsmasse148,812 lbs
Gesamtmasse293,214 lbs
Achslast37,479 lbs
Wasservorrat5,548 us gal
Brennstoff1,770 us gal (Öl)
Rostfläche42 sq ft
Verdampfungsheizfläche1,991.3 sq ft
Überhitzerfläche699.7 sq ft
Gesamtheizfläche2,691 sq ft
Ø Treibräder57.1 in
Kesseldruck218 psi
Zylinderzwei, 22 1/16 x 28 3/8 in
Geschätzte Leistung1,542 hp (1,150 kW)
Opt. Geschwindigkeit22 mph
Max. Geschwindigkeit37 mph
Anfahrzugkraft44,641 lbf
Berechnete Werte
last changed: 11/2024
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