The reference for locomotives and railcars


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Durban Harbour “John Milne”
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South Africa | 1879
only one produced
Factory photo of Hunslet with clearly recognizable manufacturer's plaque
Factory photo of Hunslet with clearly recognizable manufacturer's plaque

In 1877, a seven-man commission was set up in the colony of Natal for the administration of the port of Durban, which was to coordinate the further development of the systems and processes for the increasing transport volume. Locomotives from the Natal Government Railways were previously used on the port's tracks when required, but no own locomotives existed. For this reason, a single shunting locomotive with a 0-6-0T wheel arrangement was ordered from Hunslet in Leeds, which was delivered in 1879. It was named after John Milne, an engineer who played an important role in the port's history.

The locomotive weighed almost 20 tonnes, carried a maximum of 1,680 pounds of coal in the driver's cab and held 450 gallons of water in a saddle tank. It had 36-inch wheels and a very short wheelbase. It was in service in the port of Durban for many years and was only supplemented by a second locomotive around the turn of the century. It is no longer possible to determine exactly when its service life ended. However, this must have been no later than 1912, since it no longer appeared in the lists of the South African Railways and must therefore have been either sold or scrapped before then.

Axle config0-6-0ST (Six-coupled) 
Gauge3 ft 6 in (Cape gauge)
Dimensions and Weights
Length20 ft 11 in
Wheelbase7 ft 6 in
Rigid wheelbase7 ft 6 in
Service weight43,792 lbs
Adhesive weight43,792 lbs
Water capacity540 us gal
Fuel capacity1,680 lbs (coal)
Grate area7 sq ft
Firebox area39 sq ft
Tube heating area353 sq ft
Evaporative heating area392 sq ft
Total heating area392 sq ft
Power Plant
Driver diameter36 in
Boiler pressure130 psi
Expansion typesimple
Cylinderstwo, 12 x 18 in
Power sourcesteam
Estimated power110 hp (82 kW)
Starting effort7,956 lbf
Calculated Values
Optimal speed9 mph
steam locomotive
tank locomotive
last changed: 04/2022
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