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Prussian T 13
German Reichsbahn class 925-10
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Germany | 1899
564 produced
Union variant
Union variant
Die Lokomotive, February 1922

Under the designation T 13, the Prussian State Railways combined various types of tender locomotives for goods train operations, which had four coupled axles and no carrying axles. They were built from 1910 until the early 1920's and most of them used saturated steam to reduce manufacturing costs and maintenance. Only a part were superheated and two other sub-types produced in small numbers had a special chassis to improve the ability to negotiate curves.

The most widespread variant by numbers was the actual T 13, of which a total of 512 were manufactured for Prussia from 1910 onwards. Since the design came from the Union foundry in Königsberg, this variant is also known as the “Union variant”. In addition, Oldenburg procured 60 engines of this type and the Reichseisenbahnen Alsace-Lorraine ten more. Although the speed limit of 45 km/h for goods trains had already been lifted at the time of development, the T 13 was only designed for this speed. Instead, a larger tractive force was achieved with a smaller wheel diameter. Most engines had an axle load of 15 tons, only the last ones from 1921 and 1922 were slightly heavier.

From 1921 the T 131 was manufactured, which used the advantages of superheated steam and was therefore able to increase the output from 500 to 600 hp with hardly any increase in weight. The first 13 machines came from Hanomag and were delivered to the newly founded Reichsbahn division in Oldenburg. Another five were produced by Krauss and were intended for the Saar railways.

One of the two T 13 variants with a special chassis was the Hagans type. Although supplied by Henschel, it used the development of the Erfurt company Hagans. The two front axles were fixed within the frame, while the two rear axles were mounted on a bogie with limited movability. The coupling rods transmitted their power to the rear axles via a complicated lever system, which, like other Hagans locomotives, turned out to be too maintenance-intensive. These 29 engines were built between 1899 and 1902, long before the actual T 13, and were retired by 1923.

The second special design consisted of five Mallet locomotives that had been manufactured from 1903 for the Bergheimer Kreisbahn and the Mödrath-Liblar-Brühler Eisenbahn. They later came to the state railway and were designated there as T 13 and given the numbers Cöln 7946 to Cöln 7950. They too retired from service in 1921.

In contrast to these, the standard types remained in service for a longer time. The saturated T 13 were taken over by the Reichsbahn as the class 925-10 and a large number of them continued to be used after the Second World War. They were phased out in western and eastern Germany in 1965 and 1968, respectively. Since the T 131 was only built in small numbers, the engines remaining in the western zones were sold to private railways by 1948 after the war. Until then, they were in service as class 924.

VariantUnion variantT 131Hagans variantMallet variant
ManufacturerUnion Königsberg, Hanomag, Hagans, Hohenzollern, GrafenstadenHanomag, KraussHenschelHumboldt, Hohenzollern
Axle config0-8-0T (Eight-coupled) 0-4-4-0T (Four Coupled Mallet) 
Gauge4 ft 8 1/2 in (Standard gauge)
Dimensions and Weights
Length36 ft 5 in35 ft 7 15/16 in35 ft 1 1/4 in
Wheelbase17 ft 3 11/16 in14 ft 9 3/16 in
Rigid wheelbase12 ft 3 5/8 in14 ft 9 3/16 in
Empty weight106,924 lbs117,286 lbs
Service weight138,230 lbs141,096 lbs130,514 lbs
Adhesive weight138,230 lbs141,096 lbs130,514 lbs
Axle load34,613 lbs36,376 lbs33,510 lbs
Water capacity1,849 us gal
Fuel capacity6,614 lbs (coal)5,512 lbs (coal)coal
Grate area18.3 sq ft18.6 sq ft19.2 sq ft
Firebox area93.6 sq ft91.5 sq ft
Tube heating area1,159.3 sq ft995.8 sq ft
Evaporative heating area1,252.9 sq ft1,087.3 sq ft979.9 sq ft
Superheater area530.7 sq ft
Total heating area1,252.9 sq ft1,617.9 sq ft979.9 sq ft
VariantUnion variantT 131Hagans variantMallet variant
Power Plant
Driver diameter49.21 in
Boiler pressure174 psi
Expansion typesimplecompound
Cylinderstwo, 19 11/16 x 23 5/8 intwo, 20 7/8 x 23 5/8 intwo, 16 15/16 x 24 13/16 in
Power sourcesteam
Indicated power493 hp (368 kW)591 hp (441 kW)
Estimated power443 hp (330 kW)536 hp (400 kW)
Top speed28 mph
Starting effort27,509 lbf30,909 lbf21,363 lbf
Calculated Values
Optimal speed11 mph12 mph13 mph
steam locomotive
tank locomotive
last changed: 01/2022
T 13<sup>1</sup>
T 131
Weisbrod/Müller/Petznik, Dampflokomotiven 3
92 503 (Union variant) in Dresden traffic museum, being the third T 13 build
92 503 (Union variant) in Dresden traffic museum, being the third T 13 build
Bernhard Korch
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