The reference for locomotives and railcars
Pennsylvania class K4s
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United States | 1914
425 produced
No. 5351 in December 1955 in Camden, New Jersey
No. 5351 in December 1955 in Camden, New Jersey
Neil Norkaitis / collection Taylor Rush

The most important express locomotive of the PRR from 1914 until it was replaced by diesel locomotives. It also survived all of its intended successors. Used the same boiler with Belpaire firebox as the L1s Mikado and influenced many other locomotives, including overseas. Number 3768 was fitted with a full streamlining by Raymond Loewy and others received partial fairing. So far there is only a short text for this vehicle. In the future it will be described in more detail.

Variantas builtstreamlined
ManufacturerAltoona, Baldwin
Axle config4-6-2 (Pacific) 
Gauge4 ft 8 1/2 in (Standard gauge)
Dimensions and Weights
Length83 ft 6 in
Wheelbase36 ft 2 in
Rigid wheelbase13 ft 10 in
Total wheelbase74 ft 8 in87 ft
Service weight304,500 lbs338,000 lbs
Adhesive weight199,500 lbs223,000 lbs
Total weight517,225 lbs630,000 lbs
Axle load65,000 lbs74,500 lbs
Water capacity7,000 us gal
Fuel capacity32,000 lbs (coal)
Grate area70 sq ft
Firebox area322.6 sq ft305 sq ft
Tube heating area3,735.4 sq ft3,736 sq ft
Evaporative heating area4,058 sq ft4,041 sq ft
Superheater area943 sq ft
Total heating area5,001 sq ft4,984 sq ft
Variantas builtstreamlined
Power Plant
Driver diameter80 in
Boiler pressure205 psi
Expansion typesimple
Cylinderstwo, 27 x 28 in
Power sourcesteam
Indicated power3,285 hp (2,450 kW)
Estimated power3,260 hp (2,431 kW)
Top speed90 mph
Starting effort44,460 lbf
Calculated Values
Optimal speed47 mph
steam locomotive
J.T. Wallis
last changed: 02/2023
Streamlined No. in front of a second non-streamlined K4s
Streamlined No. in front of a second non-streamlined K4s
William vu
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