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London & South Western class C8
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Great Britain | 1898
10 produced
Image of locomotive
Locomotive Magazine, June 1899

The ten locomotives of the class C8 saw the light of day in 1898 as ordinary 4-4-0 locomotives. They were designed by Dugald Drummond and were initially considered not very successful because they did not achieve sufficient steaming capacity at high speeds due to a firebox that was too small. They could only show better performances after they had received a new boiler.

The new boilers used a patent of W.S. Smith of the Midland Railway. They had an elongated firebox crossed by a total of 61 tubes that were exposed to the direct heat of the fire. This more than doubled the direct heating surface, which significantly increased the output of the boiler.

Despite the increased power, the water-tube firebox was not considered a success because the extra tubes made maintenance complicated. The fact that these tubes were exposed to very high temperatures meant greater effort. On later locomotives, precautions such as brick arches or thermic syphons were used instead to increase the heating surface of the firebox. However, the ten locomotives remained in service and were only retired between 1933 and 1938 without having been converted to superheated steam.

Variantas builtwater tube firebox
ManufacturerNine Elms
Axle config4-4-0 (American) 
Gauge4 ft 8 1/2 in (Standard gauge)
Dimensions and Weights
Length54 ft 11 in56 ft 5 1/2 in
Wheelbase23 ft 3 in
Rigid wheelbase11 ft
Total wheelbase46 ft 10 in
Service weight104,832 lbs122,192 lbs
Adhesive weight84,448 lbs
Axle load42,336 lbs
Water capacity4,203 us gal
Fuel capacity8,960 lbs (coal)
Grate area20.5 sq ft27 sq ft
Firebox area394 sq ft
Tube heating area1,106 sq ft
Evaporative heating area1,500 sq ft
Total heating area1,500 sq ft
Variantas builtwater tube firebox
Power Plant
Driver diameter79 in
Boiler pressure175 psi
Expansion typesimple
Cylinderstwo, 18 1/2 x 26 in
Power sourcesteam
Estimated power600 hp (447 kW)850 hp (634 kW)
Starting effort16,755 lbf
Calculated Values
Optimal speed23 mph32 mph
steam locomotive
Dugald Drummond
last changed: 07/2022
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